New medic dedicated to fallen member
By Deputy Chief, Operations Chad Owens
June 3, 2023

Today, along with Chief Humphries and many other Isle of Wight employees and friends, I had the privilege to
attend the Virginia Fallen Firefighter and EMS memorial in Richmond, VA. It was truly a great honor to attend this
service, where Robert “Bobby” W. Nelms was recognized for his faithful service to Fire and EMS. Bobby received
his was recognized under the Virginia Line of Duty Act for his bravery and dedication to the Commonwealth of
Virginia. We were proud to display our new Medic 61 and to release the dedication of this medic officially to
Please take time to view our Facebook post on Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Smithfield VA as well as the
full memorial video link below:

Chief Brian Carroll

Hyperlinks: memorial video